For new readers who might be interested, here’s rundown of some of my older vampire-related blog posts: A look at the 1943 classic Son of Dracula, in which a great film succeeds despite a totally miscast title character. Five cool things about the classic novel Dracula that you might not know. Steampunk bloodsuckers: review of the film Perfect Creature. On … Read More
A second look at Love at First Bite
There’s no doubt 2008 was a huge year for vampires, with the completion of the Twilight book series and the release of the first film, HBO’s launch of True Blood, based on the Charlaine Harris books, and the surprise of Let the Right One In, a Swedish film based on John Ajvide Lindqvist’s novel. But it still wasn’t the biggest … Read More
A Vampire Fit for Kids: Rewriting Dracula
There are many stories that would fascinate children, if told in a way they could understand. What little boy wouldn’t love a story about a mad sea captain battling a monster whale, yet try reading Moby Dick to a child and see how fast their eyes glaze over. Tania Zamorsky faced this reality when, as part of Sterling Publishing’s “Classic … Read More
5 cool things about Dracula
As someone whose vampire novel will be published in the spring (Blood Groove, from Tor Books, will be released March 31, 2009), I’m fully aware that the gold standard, the top of the heap, the absolute pinnacle of vampire literature remains Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel Dracula. Without it, the vampire as a popular figure would have a very different image, … Read More
"I see you marrying a corpse…living in a grave…!"
As we near the April 2009 release date of my vampire novel Blood Groove, I’ll periodically discuss favorite vampire-themed books and movies, looking at what makes them special. It’s not every movie that can overcome the total miscasting of its titular character, let alone a title that is completely misleading. Yet 1943’s Son of Dracula, starring Lon Chaney, Jr., does … Read More
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