I was lucky enough to read “Dead and (Mostly) Gone” before its publication in The Pagan Anthology of Short Fiction. Deborah Blake, author of two non-fiction Pagan themed titles (Everyday Witch A-Z and Circle, Coven and Grove), created a compelling heroine and told a brilliant story in her first published fiction, which also won second prize in the Llewellyn/PanGaia Pagan fiction contest. I was honored to both read her story and have mine included along with it in the collection.
I asked Deborah some questions about “Dead and (Mostly) Gone”:
Alex: How does it feel to have the lead-off story in the anthology?
Deborah: Actually, it was a wonderful surprise. I had no idea until the book landed on my doorstep that my story was first. To be honest, I did a little “dance of joy” around the living room. I know it shouldn’t matter, but who am I kidding: I love it! Of course, this entire project has been a joy to work on–this is just the icing on the cake.
Your story takes place in the future, and verges on science fiction. What made you choose that setting?
I didn’t choose it, exactly. In fact, the entire story came to me in a dream. I woke up one morning a couple of years ago with Donata’s story in my head, threw food at the cats and sat down at the computer. Five hours later, I hadn’t eaten or gotten dressed, but the story was written. (Interestingly enough, while I have dreamed parts or beginnings of story ideas before, this was the one and only time the whole thing ever came to me in such a way. I guess it was just meant to be.)
Beyond Donata’s powers and career, what pagan precepts and ideals did you deliberately seek to portray?
That having gifts and abilities beyond the norm can be cool, but also a burden that carries with it the responsibility to use them wisely and for the greater good. That these abilities, whatever they might be, can be strengthened by using them in a ritual setting and by asking the gods (however you view them) for assistance. And maybe the need for wider understanding and acceptance from the public at large.
Donata isn’t respected or trusted by her peers, but is treated as mostly a necessary evil. Do you think that’s the best pagans can ever hope for?
Not at all. In fact, in my own life I have been reasonably well accepted despite being quite obviously out of the broom closet. This story was much darker than my usual writing. If I were ever going to write a follow-up, my guess is that Donata would finally have an office upstairs, out of the basement:)
You can read both Deborah Blake’s story (“Dead and [Mostly] Gone”) and mine (“Draw Down”) in The Pagan Anthology of Short Fiction, available now at all major outlets.
One Comment on “Interview: author Deborah Blake”
Thanks for saying all those nice things about me:)
Just to set the record straight, I won THIRD prize in the contest, not second. Oh, well.