Reunions, part 1

This past weekend I took the Mater Familias and the C-in-C back to Tennessee to visit his grandmother, and a bunch of my old friends. We tried a visit when the baby was six weeks old, but in the time (10 hours) it took us to drive there, Mom got sick with something contagious, so we essentially had time to run in, take one picture and then head back.

This time we flew, landing in the home of rock and roll, barbeque and hotel ducks:

A short drive through one of the most boring parts of the country (western Tennessee) landed us at my home town, Gibson, where this time Charlie got to spend a whole lot more time with his grandmother, who was suitably tickled.

On Saturday we journeyed to far more scenic middle Tennessee for a terrific lunch with a bunch of friends I haven’t seen in six years. It was great to visit with everyone, and really touching to know they’d all made time for me.

(From left: Magda, Kell, Becca, Ben, Beth, David, Tully, Lucy, Sarah, The C-in-C, me, Thomas)

There was one other reunion that weekend, one I never really expected to happen. Watch for an account of that, with photos, in an upcoming entry.

Thanks again to my family and friends for making this weekend so special.

4 Comments on “Reunions, part 1”

  1. I love the pic of your son at the top of the elevator. The colours and the look of it almost make it seem from the 50s or the 60s. Don’t know why I think that, but that’s what struck me.

  2. Thanks, Michelle. If he’d been a girl, his name would’ve been Memphis (despite what my wife says; I would’ve talked her into it).

  3. Sorry I missed you, Carl and the gang, too. Hopefully the next visit I’ll get to spend more than one hurried afternoon in the ‘Boro.

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