I’m from Tennessee, as are both sides of my family. I’m familiar with a lot of the places that are now flooded. Memphis, Nashville, Smyrna, I-24, I-40…these are places I could almost navigate in my sleep. It’s a region that gave the world an awful lot of cool things.
And with the horrible damage likely to be revealed as the waters recede, I wanted to pass on information on how you (and me) can help.
Keep up to date at the Middle Tennessee Red Cross Chapter. Information on where to send donations or, if you’re close enough, volunteer will be posted (for those who don’t know the geography of the region, Nashville is in the middle of the state where Interstates 40, 65 and 24 meet).
Text REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation on your mobile phone.
Call (615) 250-4300 to make a donation by phone.
Mail a check to the Nashville Area Red Cross at 2201 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville, TN 37203.
If you can spare it, please do. If you can’t, please send good thoughts.