Dark Jenny mass market paperback release

Dark Jenny cover

Today the mass market paperback edition of the third Eddie LaCrosse novel, Dark Jenny, hits shelves. It includes a preview from the upcoming Wake of the Bloody Angel, one that’s different from the preview in the paperback of Burn Me Deadly.

There was no book trailer for the original release of Dark Jenny, but there is one for the new edition.  Check it out below:

Want a chance to win a copy? Leave a comment before midnight on Memorial Day.

[media url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDhJstp4x3M”]


9 Comments on “Dark Jenny mass market paperback release”

  1. over the last couple of years i’ve seen of lot of these book trailers popping up. i like yours as it is more subtle than most.

  2. Sword-Edged Blonde was a wonderful example of what I’ve been wanting to read for years now – fantasy noir. Since I discovered it about a year ago, I’ve been reading a book by you every few months (not just the fantasy noir), trying to not run the well dry too quickly. I would love a copy of Dark Jenny, as it is next on my list. Thanks so much for writing the LaCrosse series, in particular, and all your books in general!

  3. Now I sort of want to see an alternate version of this trailer with a Hitchcockian soundtrack to go along with it! Also of course I’m recusing myself from the contest I just wanted to leave a comment for its own sake.

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