Announcing Firefly Witch Volume 3: Back Atcha

Available on Kindle as of right now, the third collection of Firefly Witch tales, Back Atcha.

In these three new short stories, the darkest adventures yet for the Firefly Witch, Tanna and Ry encounter their most vicious, diabolical and dangerous foes. One is a redneck who intends to sell his girlfriend to the devil, another is a serial killer with unexpected psychic powers, and the third is the hatred that leads people to barbarous acts of murder. Tanna must rely on her wits as well as her Wiccan beliefs, and Ry has to be stronger and smarter than he’s ever been, if they are to survive.

Buy it here for only $2.99!

AND DON’T MISS OUT: The second Firefly Witch collection, Croaked, is available FREE for the Kindle from Sept. 13-17.

3 Comments on “Announcing Firefly Witch Volume 3: Back Atcha”

  1. THE FIREFLY WITCH made me fall in love with Tanna (Ry’s OK too). CROAKED sealed my commitment to them for life. Now another collection – life is grand!

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