As some of you may know, last year my wife’s sister was tragically killed in a car accident. She left behind a little girl, now twenty months old, whom we have adopted, thus adding a fifth member to Team Pipsoe. So, friends and fans, I’d like you to meet my daughter, Amelia.
When I talk about my kids online, I usually refer to them by nicknames. Long-time readers of this blog, or friends and followers on social media, know all about my older son, the Squirrel Boy, and my younger one, the C-in-C. After spending two days in a mini-van with Amelia bringing her from North Carolina to Wisconsin, a single term seemed appropriate, both symbolically and literally: the Siren. Like the sailors lured to their willing deaths by those mythological creatures, I would gladly sacrifice myself for this little one. And man, does her cry get your attention.
As the stay-at-home parent, I raised the C-in-C while still writing at least a book a year, so I anticipate no slowdown in my work. But if I’m a little less present online, and maybe don’t hit quite as many conventions next year, I hope you’ll understand why: I’m heeding the Siren’s call.
15 Comments on “Introducing the Siren”
Oh, wow.
This is so lovely, Alex.
Teary over here.
Love to your awesome family.
She’s beautiful! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you and wish the best for your whole family.
She is beautiful. Not joking when I read your last post I hads a feeling you weren’t talking about a new book. This is a very different chapter in your family indeed. Hope the boys are going to look after her x
That is just so … AWWWWW … and so beautiful. Thanks for sharing that with us. 😉
All the blessings to Amelia and her new family.
She’s adorable! and you guys all rock.
OMG! Your blog let me comment! *faints*
Wow, she is a doll and you all are amazing (got a lump in my throat). What a beautiful family you have, Alex.
For once I was ahead of the curve on this one and dearly wish I’d have met her when you came back almost by, my friend. But that photograph of (ahem) the kids in the hall seriously stopped my breath just now. It’s so wonderful. My very best to all of you, sir. She’s named after my favourite Roxy Music album too! Give her a love from Amanda and the kids and me. xo
Congrats! She’s beautiful and while I’m sorry about the tragedy, she has someone so wonderful to give her such love. My best to all of you!
Beautiful girl. Best wishes to your family!
Ohhhh! This is so lovely. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for turning a tragedy into a blessing.
Congrats to you all!
What a sweetheart! So happy for you all. Can see from the last pic that her big brothers are taking to their roles well. Tears came to my eyes when reading your blog. Sending you all love and best wishes. xx
How sad, and yet how beautiful to see something wonderful come of it. And Val needed a girl around to balance out things a bit. 😉 Love to you all. xx