Retrieving Zeder from the K-Zone

This is a story of a cinema treasure hunt, and as such, may be a bit tedious to those outside the rather narrow confines of “Lost Italian horror films of the 1980s” fandom. But I suspect everyone loves a mystery, and I’ll do my best to make this one interesting. Right around the turn of the last century, I recall … Read More

Of eddies, witches and titles

It’s no secret that the Eddie LaCrosse novels owe as much to mystery as they do fantasy, especially the hardboiled pulps and films noir of the 30s and 40s. So when I wrote Wake of the Bloody Angel, I knew its title would have to be a play on a title from the mystery genre, much as Burn Me Deadly … Read More

Eddie LaCrosse IV has a title!

At last! I’m proud to announce the title of the fourth adventure of Eddie LaCrosse, out in 2012 from Tor Books: WAKE OF THE BLOODY ANGEL. What do you think?

Working titles (and titles that don’t. Work, that is.)

My most recent novel, The Girls with Games of Blood, was the first one to hit shelves with my title on it. I’m not complaining, mind you. Titles are funny things, and they have to be balanced between appropriateness, marketability and simple comprehension. But I thought I’d describe the titling process as I’ve experienced it, since I’ve just settled on … Read More