Second hint, and a chance to win an ARC

As I said last week, the advance reader copies (ARCs) of He Drank, and Saw the Spider are available, and they do me no good sitting in the box in my study. So below you’ll find another photographic hint about the book. And here’s the contest: the best caption (as determined by me) wins a signed ARC! So leave a caption in the comments below before midnight on September 8. (International entries are eligible, too.)


21 Comments on “Second hint, and a chance to win an ARC”

  1. “My mind to your mind. Your thoughts to my thoughts.” (To self: For goodness sakes, you’d think these people had never seen a Vulcan Mind Meld before.)

  2. “If you don’t spit out the keys to the Volvo, I’m leaving you at the Ren Fair with Esmerelda Von Creepy Robe and Ye Forlorn Spear Brigade!”

  3. Ermahgerd, her wers da rers erf yerth erpern herm! (Antony and Cleopatra, Act III, scene xiii)

  4. “Look son, I know that you’re a child star now, but that’s no excuse for acting like an asshole.”

  5. And so, a young Micheal Cera learned what a horrible mistake it was to tell the King “When I grow up I want to be just like Joeffrey Batatheon!”

  6. No you can’t stay up late tonight. We have too much killing to do. We wouldn’t want to sully your young eyes, now would we?

  7. “What’s that you say boy? At some point in the future a Professional Word Jockey will ask people to caption this photo and it will be impossible?”

  8. Okay, folks, I couldn’t pick a lone winner, so it’s a tie between Marian Allen and Emily Jones. Thanks to everyone who pitched in, and don’t worry, there will be more ARCs to be had very soon!

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