As part of Do the Write Thing for Nashville, I’m taking part in a charity auction to help the victims of the Tennessee flooding. In addition to signed copies of my two Memphis vampire books, I’m including a Tuckerization in my fourth (so far untitled) Eddie LaCrosse novel, due out in 2012. So jump in and help the good folks … Read More
Literature so tough it survives force majeure
During the recent storms in Tennessee, my friend Thom had a house fire. That’s the kind of rebel he is: in the midst of a flood, he burns. He’s fine, no one (human or animal) was hurt, and the destruction was contained. But he sent me a photo of one very significant item that escaped with only soot damage:
How to help Tennessee
I’m from Tennessee, as are both sides of my family. I’m familiar with a lot of the places that are now flooded. Memphis, Nashville, Smyrna, I-24, I-40…these are places I could almost navigate in my sleep. It’s a region that gave the world an awful lot of cool things. And with the horrible damage likely to be revealed as the … Read More