Sometimes a song inspires a book. Sometimes a book inspires a song.
And sometimes–okay, this is the only time I’m aware of this happening–a song inspires a book which inspires a song.
There are two wonderful songs out there that share a title with my upcoming novel. Don’t ask me to pick a favorite, because I can’t. But I can tell you the story.
First, if you go here, you can read about my introduction to the music of Jennifer Goree. She’s an amazing songwriter and singer, currently part of the group Trembling and Vine. She has been kind enough to approve the use of her song titles and lyrics for my Tufa novels, including “Long Black Curl,” from her 1998 CD Don’t Be a Stranger. My novel Long Black Curl will be out next spring.

This album cover, although it predates my novels, could easily be an illustration from a Tufa story.
Recently she was also kind enough to produce a brand-new video of that song, with a beautifully minimalist setting that perfectly complements her haunting performance.
Now we jump forward to 2014. The band Tuatha Dea has produced a wonderful CD called Tufa Tales: Appalachian Fae, based on the world of my Tufa novels. The first three tracks share titles with my first three books: “The Hum and the Shiver,” “Wisp of a Thing,” and “Long Black Curl.”
Their “Long Black Curl” is a totally different song, with nothing in common with Jennifer Goree’s except the title. But it’s just as haunting, and it’s the first time anyone has recreated the world of the Tufa for a video (you can even see the books’ recurring characters Rockhouse and Mandalay).
I can’t tell you how proud I am to be associated, however tangentially, with both these songs. Since almost everything I write has some relation to music that I love, to have this book series feed back and inspire such great music is a real honor. I hope you also enjoy both these songs, for their very different but equally magical qualities.
And if you should happen to read my novel Long Black Curl when it comes out next year, I hope you enjoy it, too.
You can buy Tufa Tales here. And you can get Don’t Be a Stranger by contacting Jennifer through Trembling and Vine.
2 Comments on “A Tale of Two Curls”
Love,love,love Tuatha Dea!!! Wish we could be in Knoxvill next weekend. Have a great time Alex…enjoy your books!!!
Two fabulous pieces of music and one truly amazing book.